
Possibility to invert button (Show the mode that it will take you to if clicked)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

LucGzy commented

If this is also something that you would be interested in i have a simple implementation :

The import :

<script type="module">
      window.buttonMode = "inverted";
      import "/src/main.ts";

define global in window.d.ts :

interface Window {
  buttonMode: string;

Modify setSwitcherIcon:

switcher.innerHTML =
      window.buttonMode === "inverted"
        ? mode === DARK
          ? lightIcon
          : darkIcon
        : mode === DARK
        ? darkIcon
        : lightIcon;

Modify initializeSwitcher:

switcher.style.backgroundColor = window.buttonMode === "inverted" ? "black" : "white";
switcher.style.color = window.buttonMode === "inverted" ? "white" : "black";

I have the code ready for pull request if interested. cheers

LucGzy commented

#6 related pull request

Added with #7