
Dr Pepper needs help with their new AWS infrastructure

Dr Pepper needs your help

Dr Pepper has asked for your help in designing his company's infrastructure. He would like to move their infrastructure off of their self-hosted Toshiba tablets and into the cloud, but he doesn't have any idea where to start. You'll need to explain to him the what the buzzwords mean, and come up with a solution for their new infrastructure.

Dr Pepper's grandson's girlfriend's uncle built a monolithic PHP application with SQLite and Riak databases. It works well, but reliability has been a problem. Also, Dr Pepper has heard of all the hackers out there who might be trying to hack his servers. This is a serious concern for the company because their drink formula is top secret. Were this formula to be leaked, Dr Pepper's business would collapse.

Before you Begin

You should have received some AWS credentials, if you haven't please send us your keybase.io username so we can encrypt the credentials for you. If you don't have a keybase.io account let us know and we'll send you an invite. Next create a github repository to contain your work. Grant coen.hyde@gmail.com read access to the repository if you created a private repo.

Task 1

Design Dr Pepper's new infrastructure for AWS to be resilient to failure and highly secure. For the moment, it is not feasible to redesign the application, but they are open for suggestions for modifications once the initial migration is complete. Please explain to the proposed architecture. You do not need to implement the infrastructure, just show how it should be done.

PS This task is intentionally vague. If you have questions, make an assumption and document it.

Task 2

Dr Pepper has a hobby collecting cars and has asked you to write a Bash script to process all car models from http://www.carqueryapi.com/api/0.3/?cmd=getMakes and upload the result to Amazon S3. He would like the cars grouped by country and sorted in descending order by name. He would also like to know how many cars have been released for each country. Dr Pepper's grandson's girlfriend's uncle mentioned something about jq.

Your script should pull the JSON, process it and upload it to s3://bugcrowd-infrastructure-interview/{first_name}{last_name}/cars.json.