Cannot filter requests using capturing groups or advanced regex
Udaykumar519 opened this issue · 1 comments
we are using below version of gor replaying traffic
We are not able to correctly capture the requests based on the allow urls pattern
Command used:
sudo ./gor --input-raw :8985 --input-raw-bpf-filter "dst port 8985 and inbound" --http-allow-url="solr/im-search/select" --http-allow-url="route=(\bgshard(7|14)\b)(,(\bgshard(7|14)\b))*" --input-raw-allow-incomplete --input-raw-buffer-size 536870912 --output-http="http://testhost:port"
In above command we have added two allow url patterns, one of which pattern says to redirect urls which contains route parameter as follows
Allow: route=gshard7,gshard14 or route=gshard14,gshard7, here either of the pattern is valid
dont allow: route=gshard71,gshard141
So, We have added word boundaries for the same requirement
But the command is not capturing requests as expected
- can't we write regex on parameters of url?
- Can't we write multiple patterns of allow or disallow urls?
pls help
@buger any help or suggestions here?