
Cannot filter requests using capturing groups or advanced regex

Udaykumar519 opened this issue · 1 comments


we are using below version of gor replaying traffic

We are not able to correctly capture the requests based on the allow urls pattern

Command used:
sudo ./gor --input-raw :8985 --input-raw-bpf-filter "dst port 8985 and inbound" --http-allow-url="solr/im-search/select" --http-allow-url="route=(\bgshard(7|14)\b)(,(\bgshard(7|14)\b))*" --input-raw-allow-incomplete --input-raw-buffer-size 536870912 --output-http="http://testhost:port"

In above command we have added two allow url patterns, one of which pattern says to redirect urls which contains route parameter as follows
Allow: route=gshard7,gshard14 or route=gshard14,gshard7, here either of the pattern is valid

dont allow: route=gshard71,gshard141

So, We have added word boundaries for the same requirement

But the command is not capturing requests as expected


  1. can't we write regex on parameters of url?
  2. Can't we write multiple patterns of allow or disallow urls?

pls help

@buger any help or suggestions here?