Bugsnag reporting with incorrect stage, should not report at all in stage development
dtmichel opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
Bugsnag is reporting errors with the wrong release stage. I have set APP_ENV and BUGSNAG_RELEASE_STAGE to development, but Bugsnag reports using stage production.
- Bugsnag version: 2.22.2
- PHP version: 8.0.8
- Composer version: 2.1.8
- Laravel version: 8.61.0
.env (shorted)
'release_stage' => env('BUGSNAG_RELEASE_STAGE'),
'notify_release_stages' => empty(env('BUGSNAG_NOTIFY_RELEASE_STAGES')) ? null : explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', env('BUGSNAG_NOTIFY_RELEASE_STAGES'))),
I can create errors in .env and bugsnag.conf to force the web application to fail, so the config files seem to be read correctly.
I have run cache:clear and config:clear and I have restarted the web server.
I also tried to check what is going on within bugsnag-laravel, and the settings are read correctly in vendor/bugsnag/bugsnag/src/Configuration.php
I can reproduce this behaviour on another server with different stage (test), PHP, Laravel and OS. It always reports as production.
I found the issue in AppServiceProvider. I had a piece of code in there to initialise \Bugsnag\Client.