
What can cause -- Not notifying SignalException due to ignore being signified in internal middlewares

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Our application started outputting messages like this osmetimes --

Not notifying SignalException due to ignore being signified in internal middlewares

This is output by bugsnag here: --

configuration.debug("Not notifying #{report.exceptions.last[:errorClass]} due to ignore being signified in internal middlewares")

This is a new error message for us -- and we don't understand what state could lead to this being output ... Need help to determine whether there may be some new failure mode in our application to cause this -- or if above could be some bugsnag or bugsnag configuration issue ...


So we ignore SignalException because it is usually used by some control system to inform your server to shut down or stop processing requests or whatever. Sometimes, signals can be bad so we log this, but generally for most applications you can probably ignore this error message!

Based on the answer above, assuming closed for now. Please comment if you feel it should be reopened.