
Learning playbooks to make your learning curve sky- 🚀


Curation of selected resources to exponentially increase learning curve in any field.

Blockchain + Cryptocurrencies:

Blockchain 101

  1. https://taylorpearson.me/blockchain-for-dummies/
    • Very basic 101 intro.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xGLc-zz9cA&t=8s
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYip_Vuv8J0
  4. Why blockchain at all?

That’s right. So, when we got to actually writing Ethereum, I remember having a bit of a eureka moment in January 2014 where I sort of understood that the, whereas bitcoin was crypto currency, and whereas some other projects out there were really trying to become the crypto finance where, you know, introducing financial contracts and so on, I understood that the real sort of tangible utility of Ethereum was to become a sort of crypto legal system, and that would have that much more of a ramification for society in general, and as time went on, it became increasingly clear that for Ethereum to really have, you know, the utility it wanted to have, it really needed to pull together a number of other technologies, so it was only one piece of the wider puzzle, so the idea with bitcoin, the idea of blockchain in general, is to reduce trust between participants, right, so when we go and do a transaction in society, typically if we go down to the shop and we buy some bananas and we pay with our credit card, it involves trusting a number of people that we don’t really think about, we have to trust the credit card, we have to trust the guy who made the credit card machine, we have to trust the bank to process the transactions, we have to trust the receiving bank to process their end, we have to trust any, if there’s any label on the banana that says, hey, this banana came from Brazil, then we have to trust whoever put the label on, we have to trust the trademark of the label, we have to trust the shopkeeper that he’s selling his bananas from, that haven’t gone off, or they’re bad, you know, didn’t have bad pesticides used on them, and the list goes on and on, we trust an awful lot of people in our daily life, and the idea of blockchain in general, is to reduce this amount of trust that we have to put ourselves under, but it only works so far, blockchain is only part of the answer. - Gavin Wood


Resources in kickstarting your deep dive into the crypto rabbit hole:


Interoperable Blockchains 101

  1. https://blog.cosmos.network/why-application-specific-blockchains-make-sense-32f2073bfb37
    • Case for why polkadot/cosmos make sense:
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAetXKTikLM
    • Intro to Cosmos network
    • Very good recap of first generation, second generation and third generation blockchains.
    • Kingdom theory applied to blockchains to help build mental models.

Beginner Guides:



Recommended to have basic understanding of what a blockchain is before starting anything in this section.



  1. probabilistic finality.
  2. instant finality.
  3. adaptive finality.
  4. economic finality.





  1. Proof of Work
  2. Proof of Stake:


Prediction Markets:

Everybody Usage:

Functional Programming:




Money + Blockchain:

What is money?

Product Management