!!! Outdated please use this improved repro !!!


A slightly modified version of InvokeAI: A Stable Diffusion Toolkit / CompVis/stable-diffusion where the stable diffusion model can be connected to grasshopper (or anything else) through sockets. The preset mode is image2image translation where a prompt is combined with a guiding input image. In this case, the guiding image is taken from rhino's viewport. Additionally, a simple humanUI interface is provided. Moreover, the script calling the stable diffusion model through a socket is wrapped in a hops definition to utilize its async functionality (while the image is computed, the viewport won't freeze).

Untitled Untitled


A) Stable Diffusion Model

  • Clone this repro and follow Installation instructions

B) Grasshopper Plugins


  1. Fulfill Prerequisites

  2. Download this repository

  3. replace dream.py file: in your stable diffusion folder (prerequisites Step A), navigate to \scripts and replace the dream.py file with the dream.py file from this repro

  4. Open Rhino 7+, launch grasshopper and open main.gh. In the upper section of the humanUI window, set viewport name and file path to the stable diffusion model

  5. open an anaconda prompt and paste the commands to start the stable diffusion model (see image below)


Sample Images

Naturally, the model is not limited to a particular domain

