Settings reverts back to default after loading a Family
Closed this issue · 4 comments
MennoMekes commented
After aditing a Fmaily and loading it back in, the Settings reverts back to default.
janbrouwer commented
ebouwens commented
I think we ll need some more information here, witch settings we specificly talking here about? The settings in the family itself (maybe an example can be given) or is the settings (linked BSDD database, ect) of the tool reverted?
Rien777 commented
I tested this and it works like it should, when:
- Editing a family
- Loading a family
Returning to your project should set the projectsettings back to their specific settings.
This was added on the 9th of july:
On the roadmap:
- Optional bringing project settings to familly when editing family
- Family-mode when editing family where just the current family is getting checked in the element-list
MennoMekes commented
I can't reproduce it anymore either.