
Unfurl command for docker run

pecigonzalo opened this issue · 6 comments

Commands passed to docker run should be unfurled, otherwise they do not work as intended, for example the node snipped from the readme:

  - command:
      - "yarn install"
      - "yarn run test"
      - docker#v3.1.0:
          image: "node:7"
          always-pull: true
            - "MY_SECRET_KEY"
            - "MY_SPECIAL_BUT_PUBLIC_VALUE=kittens"

would output:

yarn run test' in node:7
  | docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "exec: \"yarn install\\nyarn run test\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown.
  | 🚨 Error: The command exited with status 127

This is because its like doing:
docker run --rm node:7 "yarn install" instead of docker run --rm node:7 yarn install


( if is_windows ; then export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1; fi && docker run "${args[@]}" )

should probably change to

[...] docker run ${args[@]}
lox commented

That's really odd, that is supposed to work 🤔 Let me test this.

For some context, check out "Improved Shell Handling" in for how it's supposed to work.

lox commented

This seems to work ok for me. It should be executing:

/bin/sh -e -c 'yarn install
yarn run test'

Which is totally correct.

lox commented

I'll close this one for now, let me know if I've misunderstood!

Yep, that output would be totally correct. I wonder if this was an error of the node image, as I put on my first comment, that was not the output I was getting out of it.

lox commented

Yeah, that's really strange 🤔 If you happen to see it again, send us the build and we will investigate!

I tried just now and this is working as expected, im confused as I had a build with it configured as described in the issue desc, but my build its now removed as I deleted the pipeline. If I can replicate again or find the build, ill post here.
For now, this seems to be something else and not the plugin.
