Support fieldProps alone without the need to define validators or onSubmit
Opened this issue · 5 comments
The use case is when you just need fieldProps but you don't need validation or submit functionality. For example when you don't have a standard form and you just want an easy way to have name, value, onChange, onBlur defined.
So my proposal is to have something like this code below.
This is thought to be used with the useState
so you can pass to fieldProps directly what useState
const fieldProps = <A, B extends keyof A>(
field: B,
model: [A, (val: A) => void]
): {
name: B;
value: A[B];
onChange: (val: A[B]) => void;
onBlur: () => void;
} => ({
name: field,
value: model[0][field],
onChange: (val) => {
[field]: val,
onBlur: () => {},
This is thought to be used with the useState so you can pass to fieldProps directly what useState returns.
What about using the internal formo state directly instead? e.g.:
const fieldProps = useFieldProps({ ...initialValues });
Do you see any pros/cons?
The only "problem" I see is that sometimes you don't need a state because for example the state is handled by a parent component that inject to you a value
and an onChange
prop using your component as a kind of field itself. Anyway, it's ok to have another state handled by formo and kept in sync with the parent.
Got it, makes sense, maybe we could also ask you implement an (optional?) onChange (other than the initial value) so that it can be implemented by forwarding to the parent when needed. Which is basically what you are proposing with a slightly different API
Yes, it seems perfect! 💯
So I believe this could be a good signature:
export function useFieldProps<Values extends Record<string, unknown>, Label>(args: {
initialValues: FormOptions<Values, {}, {}, never>[0]['initialValues'],
onChange?: (values: Values) => void
}): UseFormReturn<Values, never, Label, never>['fieldProps']