
Changelog does not consider the new tag added by npm-version task

Closed this issue · 5 comments

It seems that smooth-release is not working correctly if called with smooth-release minor. The tag is generated with the correct version number, but the Changelog contains Unreleased where the version number should be, and the GitHub release contains no title and no description.

This does not happen if I call smooth-release with a specific version number, e.g. smooth-release 0.2.0.

Not sure if it's for the same reason, but I noticed the changelog for this repo is also showing Unreleased instead of the latest release number (v7.0.0).

Not sure if it's for the same reason, but I noticed the changelog for this repo is also showing Unreleased instead of the latest release number (v7.0.0).

That's correct: If you close some issues without publishing a new version they end up in the "Unreleased" section. They're the issues already closed and merged on master but not yet released on npm

I thought you had an Undefined section.

If what you had was an Unreleased section that's actually ok :)

If you had however released a version than it's indeed a defect and it's probably caused by either:

  • GitHub not returning the newly created and pushed tag for some reason (cache?)
  • smooth-releases logic somewhere is not complete :P

Yes I had Unreleased, I think I wrote Undefined somewhere but it was a mistake.

For smooth-release though, version 7 does exist, so I think it should appear in the Changelog?

Sorry, reading again you say "released on npm", that could explain it but it's pretty confusing.

In Contacthub, for example, I now managed to release v0.2.0 and it appears in the Changelog, even if it's not been pushed to npm.

For smooth-release though, version 7 does exist, so I think it should appear in the Changelog?


Oh, I got it! Stupid me!
After #57 we're generating the changelog before adding the tag and pushing it to GitHub!

The changelog logic should be improved to handle the case where the tag has not yet been created and is therefore not available through the GitHub API.