
Sample stacks do not work

derkoe opened this issue · 2 comments

When using the sample stacks with pack version 0.4.1 the following error occurs:

ERROR: invalid builder 'cnbs/sample-stack-build:alpine': builder missing label io.buildpacks.builder.metadata -- try recreating builder

seems like the sample builders are missing a newly required label io.buildpacks.builder.metadata

Seems like you are trying to use a stack as a builder. What configuration/command are you trying to execute?

It should be cnbs/sample-builder:alpine for the builder.

Oh - I forgot to create the builder locally. It worked after creating the builder with:

 pack create-builder cnbs/sample-builder:alpine --builder-config builders/alpine/builder.toml --no-pull

and then using it with --builder cnbs/sample-builder:alpine.