
Can't build in Xcode

nicholasalanbrown opened this issue · 3 comments

When trying to build the project in Xcode after following the steps in the README, I get this in my Terminal:

React packager ready.

[3:16:33 PM] <END>   Crawling File System (3065ms)
[3:16:33 PM] <START> Building in-memory fs for JavaScript
[3:16:36 PM] <END>   Building in-memory fs for JavaScript (3212ms)
[3:16:36 PM] <START> Building in-memory fs for Assets
[3:16:38 PM] <END>   Building in-memory fs for Assets (2483ms)
[3:16:38 PM] <START> Building Haste Map
[3:16:41 PM] <START> Building (deprecated) Asset Map
[3:16:42 PM] <END>   Building (deprecated) Asset Map (1224ms)
Error building DependencyGraph:
 Error: Naming collision detected: /Users/nbrown/Source/assemblies/node_modules/react/node_modules/fbjs/lib/warning.js collides with /Users/nbrown/Source/assemblies/node_modules/react-native/node_modules/fbjs/lib/warning.js
    at HasteMap._updateHasteMap (HasteMap.js:132:13)
    at HasteMap.js:103:28
    at tryCallOne (/Users/nbrown/Source/assemblies/node_modules/react-native/node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:37:12)
    at /Users/nbrown/Source/assemblies/node_modules/react-native/node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:123:15
    at flush (/Users/nbrown/Source/assemblies/node_modules/react-native/node_modules/promise/node_modules/asap/raw.js:50:29)
    at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:420:9)
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:349:13)

Now I'm getting a different error, this time trying with react-native v0.19.0:


Anyone who's having the naming collision detected issue, I was able to resolve mine with sudo npm install npm -g, then blowing away the node_modules directory, then running npm install.

As for the red screen of death, I only got that upon updating react-native. We'll handle updates in a branch, test, and merge in soon.