
Platform Requirements Not Met

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When I try to start Workspace Platform Starter Example 3 via the link in the readme then I see this:
How can I update the workspace? Should it not do it automatically?

Hi @arnold-preg if you have never run the npm run dos command and it is showing you this then it might be that your organisation is using OpenFin and they have pinned the version of Workspace that you are using.

We do have versioned branches so if you want you can clone this branch: https://github.com/built-on-openfin/workspace-starter/tree/workspace/v13.0.0/how-to/workspace-platform-starter it should just run.

Alternatively 13.0 home should work with a platform built against 13.1 so you can try updating the minVersion locally (seen here:


Thanks for your help. I'm pretty sure my organization did not do that.
npm list @openfin/workspace gives me
openfin-workspace-starter@13.1.5 C:\WORKSPACES\workspace-starter
└─┬ openfin-workspace--workspace-platform-starter@13.1.5 -> .\how-to\workspace-platform-starter
└── @openfin/workspace@13.1.5
I start the application with npm build then npm start and npm client

npm ls -g shows me @openfin/workspace@13.1.5 but I still get the same error.

Hi @arnold-preg,

Version 13.1 just recently became our stable release.

If you cloned the repo can you check to see if you have the latest version?

The readme at the root should say workspace 13.1.

You shouldn't have to update the package.json files as we sync main to represent whatever is the current stable release.

If you run the command the following command from the workspace platform starter repo it should tell you if a DOS registry entry already exists (if it points to localhost:8080 then you may have run this command before). It will update to point to the local dos file which should point to 13.1: https://github.com/built-on-openfin/workspace-starter/blob/main/how-to/workspace-platform-starter/public/common/dos.json

Alternatively you can update the manifest to reduce the minimum workspace version required.


Hi @johnman ,
the readme says This branch covers version **13.1.0** of OpenFin Workspace because I pulled from the repo.
I miss the command you are referring to, but in how-to\workspace-platform-starter\public\common\apps.json I see a workspace version 13.1.5.
I do not want to downgrade the version because I want to make it run with the latest.

Where does the OpenFin RVM look for the workspace? I'm asking because first when I faced this problem I wanted to start the workspace example from the GitHub site. I cannot even install a new OpenFin RVm now because of the same version problem.

Hi @arnold-preg can you please check the following:

  • run regedit from the windows run cmd
  • When the registry editor is open can you please expand the settings so that you can see Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\OpenFin\RVM\Settings
  • Is there a setting called DesktopOwnerSettings and is it pointing to a file or url?
  • If there is a desktop owner file/url can you just check it to see if it is specifying the workspace version?

If there is nothing set then the latest version of workspace should be launching (which is 13.1).


Yeah, there was a json file in there pointing to 13.0.7.
It looks like a temporary file to me, because it is in AppData\Local\Temp.
I changed the version and it works now.
Thank you very much!