
multiple responses rendered as multiple requests

Closed this issue · 3 comments

For example, the two responses of the first request of
are rendered as two requests.

Instead, they should be rendered as two responses under the same request.

Otherwise, great project!

I don't know if it is still relevant for you, I created a gist with some minor adjustments so responses are rendered within a request. The thing is, that your requests need a title so they may be grouped together.

Relevant lines are:
winter.svelte:90-119 - grouping transactions based on the request title
winter.svelte:591-599 - use the generated request groups to display scenarios
ScenarioPanel.svelte: change response property to responses, add a loop for the responses.
ResponsePanel.svelte:16-20 - add a spacing between the responses.

Thanks for your reply!
I tried it but still could not get the grouping to work...
Could you post an example of what you mean by "your requests need a title"?

I tried:

+ Request Title1
    + Headers
        Accept: application/json

+ Response 200 (application/json)
    { ... }

+ Request Title1

+ Response 403

+ Request Title1

+ Response 404

Sorry for not being clear on this one. You still format your Blueprint file as before. So you would have something like this:

+ Request Title1
  + Headers

+ Response 200 (application/json)

+ Response 403 (application/json)

+ Response 404 (application/json)

Snowboard will generate a json object out of your blueprint file (you'll find a minified version by searching for your title within the generated html file) containing something looking like this:

  "transactions": [
      "request": {"title": "Title1", ...},
      "response": {"status": 200, ...},
      "request": {"title": "Title1"},
      "response": {"status": 403, ...},
      "request": {"title": "Title1"},
      "response": {"status": 404, ...},
      "request": {"title": "Title2"},
      "response": {"status": 200, ...},

My changes in the gist basically loop over the transactions and storing a grouped version within a different property. To do the grouping I access the title of every transaction request.

Please note: I'm not doing any checks if the title exists and stuff so the script is not failsafe. If you like to change the logic, have a look at winter.svelte lines 90-116 in my gist (https://gist.github.com/MelzerC/530201b0e1f7206ad80543bb6cc9129b#file-winter-svelte-L90-L117). This function defines how the grouping works.