
add shortcuts

GuiCarneiro opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Increasingly I try to avoid using the mouse when I'm programming, so it would be nice to be able to extract more from the Taskr using only the keyboard.

I speak only for my short experience, but I would like to switch between the "Today", "Backlog" and "Done" tabs by simply pressing the "1", "2" and "3" buttons. It would be pretty quick to see the other tabs and check what's on their lists.

Well, it's just my idea of a small feature. ;D

Great idea @GuiCarneiro. I'll be implementing this soon. I was thinking just like terminal tabs or browser tabs using cmd + 1; cmd + 2 etc

For me it's perfect being cmd + 1 ...

It is the same shortcut as slack and terminal.

A couple keyboard shortcuts that came to mind as I was using it today: enter or cmd+n to create a new task, tabbing through tasks and pressing enter to mark an item done and esc to leave current screen (back). Though esc on the taskbar MBP is kinda borked.

  • cmd + ${N}: to change tabs
  • cmd + n: redirect to add task
  • esc: redirect to Today's tab

I think that looks good. Do you guys have more suggestions?

And maybe space or tab: for moving a task from Today to Backlog or reverse depending on which of the tabs you are on.

Maybe being able to press

  • t: to switch to today
  • b> backlog and
  • d > done
    would be more intuitive to non-programmers/regular users. Or cmd + t/b/d.

Well, moving between tabs should probably just be taband then space or shift + tabcould be to move a task from Today <> Backlog.