Please help: macd_signal and stochrsi different to Tradingview (Bitmex)
BruceBushby opened this issue · 1 comments
Great library thank you! I'm hoping the community can assist with a couple of issues.
My goal is to match the indicator values available via Tradingview.
For the most part, Stoch, RSI, Willr & CCI are perfect to four decimal places, sadly I cannot for the life of me get correct values for "macd signal" ... macd however is correct to four decimal places.
For testing I use this chart:
Code snippet to replicate results:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import datetime
from bitmex import bitmex
import ta as ta
import pandas as pd
from ta import add_all_ta_features
from ta.utils import dropna
import talib
from talib import MA_Type
count = 1000
period = "1m"
starttime = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=count)
bitmex_client = bitmex(test=False)
get 1m candles
df = bitmex_client.Trade.Trade_getBucketed(symbol='XBTUSD', binSize=period, count=count, startTime=starttime).result()[0]
df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['timestamp','open','high','low','close','volume'])
df.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True)
df = ta.add_all_ta_features(df, open="open", high="high", low="low", close="close", volume="volume")
add selected columns
idf = df[['open','high','low','close','volume','trend_macd','trend_macd_signal','momentum_stoch_rsi_k','momentum_stoch_rsi_d','momentum_stoch','momentum_stoch_signal','momentum_rsi']]
rename columns
idf.rename(columns={'trend_macd':'macd','trend_macd_signal':'macds','momentum_stoch_rsi_k':'stochrsik','momentum_stoch_rsi_d':'stochrsid','momentum_stoch':'stochk','momentum_stoch_signal':'stochd','momentum_rsi':'rsi'}, inplace=True)
reorder columns
idf = idf[['open','high','low','close','volume','macd','macds','stochrsik','stochrsid','stochk','stochd','rsi']]
The following pic shows the output at the bottom and compares values to those available via Tradingview:
macd, stoch & rsi are perfect to four decimal places ..... however macd signal remains different.
stochrsi is also different,
Any help or advice would be MUCH appreciated.
Closing issue, not a "ta" problem. Looks like Tradingview calculates macd_signal using SMA.
Possible TradingView StochRSI is calculated from "rsi" values.