
Asset Type management with mutually exclusive managers model and UI

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  • Create an entity AssetTypeManagement with the following properties:

  • a composite key member property assetType: AssetType

  • a composite key member property startDate: Date

  • properties which should be mutually exclusive:
    - property role: Role
    - property bu: BusinessUnit
    - property org: Organization

  • Ensure that the AssetType could be associated with one manager at a time and cover the implemented functionality with tests

  • Create UI for managing Asset Type / Asset Management:

  • Create Asset Type / Asset Master.

  • Create Asset Type / Asset Centre.

Expected outcome

Users are able to record the Role, Business Unit or Organization that manages an Asset Type and Asset Type is associated to the applicable Asset Manager and the date/time of the association is recorded.

Decided to move implementation of similar functionality for an Asset into separate issue