
Problem with a generation of client sources

Opened this issue · 5 comments

When resonse is a boolean type, mwsc generated a code:

import boolean;

     public method
    public void verify(Data requestObject, SOAPServiceCallback<boolean> serviceCallback) {

        super.invoke(requestObject, serviceCallback, boolean.class);

Generated from:

  <xsd:element name="Verify" nillable="true" type="tns:Data"/>
  <xsd:element name="VerifyResponse" type="xsd:boolean"/>


MWSC/Pico only supports doc/lit style wsdl, rpc style is not supported, you must wrap the response in a complext type element.


Does this means that nano will not serialize 'Boolean' object when I change the code to generate 'Boolean' instead of 'boolean'? I mean Boolean object, not primitive

in doc/lit style wsdl, you must wrap response in a complext type, something link XXXResponse and it's ok that the wrapper element have only one boolean sub-element.

see details here:

I've got what you said, but for some reasons I can't modify wsdl schema. Please understand me. It is a matter of life and death.
I need to make mwsc to work with boolean responses. I thought to make changes on code generation level to generate Boolean instead of boolean. If i will do so, will nano serialize Boolean object? Or it just will throw an exception?


MWSC is just a light tool targeting mobile platforms, considering the effort and complexity, it is only desiged to support doc/lit style wsdl.

You definitely can do some hacking on the code generator side and the binding framework(nano) side, as long as you can fully underderstand how both sides work internally. Nano can't serialize Boolean object directly, but if you can do some hacking in the Nano source, it may work.
