
Nano doesn't handle all valid formats of date string

tomaszgrygo opened this issue · 3 comments

Nano recognizes date format by length of string. But some of the valid formats are not recognized. For example:


Nano is just a small libary targeting android platform, supporting all different date formats may not only involve complexity and effort, but lead to bigger footprint.

You have a few options:

  1. change the data format string in DateTransform class at runtime, these format strings are static but not final.
  2. customize your own DateTransorm class which implements Transformable interface, then register this class with Transformer at runtime.
  3. change the nano source directly.

Hope this can help.

Thx for your suggestion!

Can you add handling of two more formats in the class DateTransform? It should not break any existing functionality.
public static String FULL_Z = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ";
public static String FULL_SSS_Z = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ";
public static String getPattern(String text) {
int length = text.length();

    if(length > 28) {
       return FULL_SSS_Z;
    if(length > 24) {
       return FULL_Z;
    if(length > 23) {
       return FULL; 
    if(length > 20) {
       return LONG;
    if(length > 11) {
       return NORMAL;
    return SHORT;


Thx for your suggestion, I will update the source and let know when it is done.
