
Set http header SOAPAction automatically in soap 1.1

nobre84 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi! I'm consuming a 1.1 soap service that requires the SOAPAction http header. I had to manually insert it in the generated class even when it is explicity set in the wsdl.
PS: Pico is able to insert this header automatically in objective-c

Thanks for the fine framework !


You can set http header on Pico client at runtime.

You can find details in this sample/tutorial:
in step 3, create a shared client.



I just remembered/found that SOAPAction http header is automatically added in the generated XXXService_SOAPClient in every method. I just confused why you need to manually add it again.

Can you confirm.


Hi, with the following WSDL: http://wsrobos.novaprolink.com.br/v2/WSConsultaProcessos.WSConsultaProcesso.svc?wsdl
The SOAPClient class did not add the SOAPAction header automatically - I managed to add it myself like in the ebay sample, I'm just curious because for the same wsdl it was added by pico for objective-c.


I'll add SOAP action header in nano codegen, will post here to let you know when it's done.


SOAP action header has been added in mwsc for nano, if possible, please re-download the zip to verify.


Verified and working fine now with latest mwsc!