Conflict with Code Block <CR>
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sayidhe commented
I am using code block a lot when formatting the Markdown in Vim.
The code block rule is
imap <expr> <CR> ExpanderCR()
function! s:IsCodeBlock(line, ccol)
return a:line[0:2] ==# "```" && a:line[a:ccol : a:ccol+2] ==# "```"
function! ExpanderCR()
if s:IsCodeBlock(line, currentCol)
return "\<CR>\<Esc>O"
return "\<CR>"
The main idea is to inspect if you want to insert a block, then it will auto-insert the empty line for you to continue typing.
Your input pointer
I think is bellow in bullets.vim conflict with the above.
488 let l:keys = l:send_return ? "\<CR>" : ''
Don't know how to solve the problem, anyone has ideas?