
Non backward compatible change not detected (removed content type result)

farnulfo opened this issue · 1 comments


I've used the https://api-diff.io/ to compare two versions of an api.
In the second version a content type return data was deleted but this non backward compatible change was not detected by https://api-diff.io/ : "No API structure changes detected"

Here the two files I used

This breaking change is detected by https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-diff :

`C:\openapi-diff-master\cli>java -jar target\openapi-diff-cli-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar Simple-API-V1.yaml Simple-API-V2.yaml


                            Simple API

-- What's Changed --

  • GET /users/{userId}
    Return Type:
    • Changed 200 OK
      Media types:
      • Deleted application/xml

-- Result --

             API changes broke backward compatibility


Hi there @farnulfo,

Thanks a lot for reporting this issue and sorry for the delay to answer. I'm happy to announce that this issue has been solved on our side now. Here's a public diff result with the exact same files you provided:

Capture d’écran du 2023-11-30 16-53-05