Simple tic tac toe game, utilizing the negamax algorithm for the opponent/AI player.
Doesn't rely on greedy algorithms, and can support bigger boards than 3x3.
Uses a negamax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning.
Has a Plugable Player interface.
To use clone the repo, and build the binary for your platform:
git clone
make build
Optionally you can cross compile the project by running:
make build_all
To run all tests:
make tests
Run the binary, chose your symbol, and starting position
Starting a new game
Chose your symbol, X or O:
Chose your starting position, 1 or 2:
Chose your next move, in format 1x2 (rowXcolumn)
O X .
. . .
. . .
Your moves should be in format 1x2, where 1 is the row, 2 is the column. Moves range is [1:3], for both row and column, where 1 is the minimum and 3 is the maximum possible value.