
identifier value
alias alias



type value
alias ...
content/type/MIME ...
file extension ...
FourCC ...
PUID ...
UTI ...


  • The functionality the program supports which can be stored in the format.
  • The source either describing or implementing the functionality.
  • The interface to the functionality.
functionality source interface
... ... ...


| verification | validation | An implementation or instance of a format conforms with its specification. An implementation or instance of a format can in conformance with its specification but suffer technical issues. | An instance of a format is technical correct, for example, not corrupt. An instance of a format can be technically correct but not in conformance with its specification.

reference implementation


test file

third party edited self-created
... ... ...


A program -- "tool" or "utility" -- that conforms technical validity and/or conformance with specification.


A physical manifestation of either a specification, an implementation, or an instance.

  • For reference,
    • if a program, provide name, version, build;
    • if an instance of a format, provide any and all relevent technical information.
reference note