
switching from a non learneth tab in the file explorer to a learneth tab or the other way around has probs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I can't seem to select a learneth tab in the editor and get its contents to load in the editor


in this example step4.sol is selected but the Ballot contract is showing.

The files switch when I select show answer or Check Answer but not by clicking on a tab.

and when I select the file in the file explorer in the .learneth folder... it doesn't load either.

This issue seems to be involved with tutorials named in the .yml file that include spaces

With tutorials like that - the file that gets loaded in the editor cannot be selected by its tab.

(I also go this error - but I think it is another issue) but I add it here to show what got piled on when I was trying to narrow down the problem.

When a tutorial doesn't load something into the editor - there isn't a problem.

wel spotted. It's not a learneth issue. I will make a new issue for the IDE.