
SubscribeToOrderUpdates not working

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hello there
Im using socketClient and i want to Subscribe to orders channel
but it doesnt work.
AccountUpdate DOES work but orderAndPosition doesnt work at all and i dont receive any message
im using your sample code
CallResult<UpdateSubscription> b = socketClient.SubscribeToOrderUpdates(OkexInstrumentType.SWAP, "1INCH-USDT-SWAP", "1INCH-USDT", (data) => { if (data != null) { // ... Your logic is here } });

var a = socketClient.SubscribeToPositionUpdates(OkexInstrumentType.SWAP, "1INCH-USDT-SWAP", "1INCH-USDT", (data) => { if (data != null) { // ... Your logic is here } });

it returns success but i dont receive any message when i manually add a trigger position to this coin

if i set instrument type to ANY and pass null to all parameters then i get the message async
is there any problem with OKX?

I have the same problem with getting order updates via sockets. Update events are not coming.

I have the same problem with getting order updates via sockets. Update events are not coming.

I figured out my issue. I am using demo trading and have not set the appropriate flag in OkexSocketClientOptions.
My apologies.