
Calculate production costs for the given system

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Formula can be found here:

Industry Cost Calculations
Determining the install cost for a job is getting a little more complicated with Crius, so let us quickly go over what you will need to calculate it.

  1. Fetch the base material quantities for manufacturing the item from your blueprint, from the blueprints.yaml file in the SDE. In the case of invention and reverse engineering jobs you should use the materials from the T2 or T3 blueprint instead.
  2. Multiply each material quantity by the market adjustedPrice as returned from the /market/prices/ endpoint and sum them all together. This is called the base cost. For reverse engineering jobs with multiple possible outcomes calculate the baseCost for each then create an average.
  3. The base cost is then modified based on the type of activity:
    • Manufacturing: baseCost x numberOfRuns
    • Research: Sum for each level[ baseCost x 0.02 x researchMultiplierForLevel (see table below) ]
    • Copying: baseCost x 0.02 x runsPerCopy x numberOfRuns
    • Invention + Reverse Engineering: baseCost x 0.02
  4. Multiply the cost by the cost index returned in the /industry/systems/ resource, for the solar system you are installing the job in and the activity you are performing.
  5. Multiply the cost by any facility bonuses as described in the ramAssemblyLineTypes table in the SDE
  6. Add a 10% tax for NPC facilities, or the custom tax rate set for player outposts in nullsec