
🌏 A map of places I've checked in on Earth.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🌏 cheeaun.earth

A map of places I've checked in on Earth.



  • I want to plot all the places I've been to on a map.
  • I want a digital version of push pins on a physical map.
  • I want to show people where I've been to.
  • I want to see where I haven't been to.
  • I want to try Mapbox GL JS.
  • I like the cool maps from Gyroscope.
  • I need an excuse to get a .earth TLD, inspired by Conquer Earth. (I already have .life)


First steps

  1. Generate access token from Foursquare (requires your own CLIENT ID, etc; figure it out on your own).
  2. Create .env file, with environment-specific variables on new lines:

Wonderful yarn scripts

  • yarn checkins - Fetch all checks-ins from Foursquare. Raw checkins.json is not part of repo because of privacy. checkins[.min].geojson files have shortened coordinates for privacy.
  • yarn countries - Download copy of country maps from Sn3b/mapsicon (Uses napa because it doesn't have a package.json). Then generate all optimized SVG countries.
  • yarn start - Watch and transpile assets/app.raw.js, and start the server.


  • Make this available for other people. Self-hosted or hosted?
  • Date & time range filtering, for check-ins.



Data powered by Foursquare. Map powered by Mapbox. Vector maps are from djaiss/mapsicon and Sn3b/mapsicon.

Everything else...

MIT © Lim Chee Aun