
Is tq_get() down from tidyquant?

mlozanoqf opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello. The following code:
aapl_prices <- tq_get("AAPL", get = "stock.prices", from = " 1990-01-01")

Leads to:
“Warning message: “x = 'AAPL', get = 'stock.prices': Error in new.session(): Could not establish session after 5 attempts.”

The quantmod package has a similar issue, but I guess the solution proposed by Joshua Ulrich does not apply for tidyquant.


@mdancho84 This is an issue with quantmod that Josh Ulrich is fixing. Will Tidyquant need a patch to this dependency?

I added the following according to Joshua Ulrich:

remotes::install_github("joshuaulrich/xts", force = TRUE)

Then reset my session and now tq_get() works fine. I did not know tidyquant and quantmod were kind of related. I prefer tidyquant.

Knxd3 commented

tq_get does not work with large number of tickers but getSymbols from Quantmod works I believe because it adds 1 second pause between requests.

x = 'GOOG', get = 'stock.prices': Error in = "GOOG", env = , verbose = FALSE, : Unable to import �GOOG�.
GOOG download failed after two attempts. Error message:
HTTP error 401.

You guys just need to upgrade quantmod to the patch that fixes this issue.


And FYI - tidyquant use's quantmod so if quantmod works, then tidyquant works.

This is fixed.


CRAN has quantmod version 0.4.20, which fixes the issue. Simply update quantmod if this issue affects you./