
JoyHub Mariner Support

Bobafet231 opened this issue · 29 comments

Feature Description

Would it be possible for someone to add the support of the Mariner device from JoyHub (J-Mariner) that has succion and rotation ? and its bluetooth

@Bobafet231 Do you have a link to the device?

its not rly documented, on amazon there isnt even any mention of any sort of app but once i got it i got a little notice explaining how to connect it to JoyHub
Its Bluetooth name is "J-Mariner"

The JoyHub devices are often not advertised as such: it makes them hard to find.

I'll write up steps for testing which variant of the protocol this device uses tomorrow.

okay thanks @blackspherefollower you can ask me some technical thing if you want i have some coding skills (some)

@blackspherefollower am ready to test the protocol variant if you want i only need to go in a few hours

ah yeah i already have it installed
il do it now

Good timing, I'm just about done with my dayjob stuff for today.

On your phone, install "nRF Connect": this will let you scan for BT4 devices, connect and send and receive data on their characteristics.
Scan for the Mariner and hit connect.
Find and select the 0xffa0 service and you should see the Characteristic 0xffa1; they'll be a little up arrow icon on the right on the characteristic to open the send packet dialog

So I'll need you to send:

and tell me what happens after you send each one

[a003ff000000aa] -> enables rotation
[a00300ff0000aa] -> stops rotation
[a0030000ff00aa] -> does nothing
[a00300000000aa] -> does nothing


i sent them in the up to down order

Which features did you say the Mariner had? Maybe a screenshot of the DIY mode in the app would be good?

Ok, lets try a00d000007ff and a00d000000ff

nothing happens for thoses 2

Ok, lets try a007010007ff and a007000000ff

a007010007ff -> enables succion
a007000000ff -> stops succion

but in diy mode for rotation its a rotation speed slider and for succion its like "modes" it kinda changes the fréquency soo a007010007ff is one of the succion modes

Ah, so this looks like the same suction system as the vortex tongue. Do 1-3 feel constant but increasing intensity?

not rleally the frequency is increasing

I think that's as close as it gets to increase intensity. At 4 does it start following some other pattern?

i hope this helps
note (i said 7 at the end but looks like between 6 and 7 there is no difference)

Perfect. 3 sounds like the first pattern, so we'll set the step count to 2.

okay, am happy that this helped

oh nice soo now i just need to wait for an update of the repo and also from Intiface right ?

If you're on a desktop platform, you could take the device config JSON file and replace your local copy. On Windows you'd find that in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\com.nonpolynomial\intiface_central\config

oh thank you its only config changes thats cool

yep works big thanks, theres only the rotation that is a bit wierd (not really reactive) sometimes when i set the slider to a value nothing happens and when i set it to 0 it never stops i need to lower it manually until it stops
but maybe its just a bug with iniface and using it with games it will be fine i dont know

That's a bit odd, but it's really hard to tell what could cause that. I've ordered one, so hopefully if there's any protocol bugs, I'll be able to find them in a week or so.