
Rename Translation Statistics

Closed this issue · 7 comments

It's a bit ambiguous as it is. Considering the fact that it only does one thing—rendering graphs for the remaining untranslated strings—I'd suggest changing it to Translation Progress, or if you don't plan to expand this future any further, then a simple Remaining Translations might suffice.

Also, how about rounding down the stats to whole numbers. Unless I am missing something, having half a grade on translation scale doesn't sound very natural. Though, if there is actually a case for doing it so, then at least consider switching to percentages as a more intuitive representation. That way , instead of a precise number of (half-)strings remaining you would show a relative percentage above each incomplete language, corresponding to the amount left to reach the state of Original.

bux commented

Renaming makes sense.

But I only get whole numbers.

(That's from AGM)

Must be something with my files then:

bux commented

Too few missing translations, I guess.

Good job, though 😄

Link me to that particular file, I want to check if it looks the same for me.

bux commented

Checkout AGM and point tabler to the AGM folder. (It parses through every stringtable.xml in subfolders)

I'll have to remember to actually read the feature list first, before using some new product. 😄

bux commented
