
sort-imports emits false positives for named imports with spaces in braces.

phyllisstein opened this issue · 0 comments

I was taking the sort-imports rule for a spin with the following configuration:

    severity: error
      - ignore-case

...and noticed that although it attempts to order imports by their names (a welcome relief from whatever the heck TSLint thinks it's doing with their paths), it throws a false positive for named imports with spaces in their braces. For example, this code:

import createTheme from 'spectacle/lib/themes/default'
import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader'
import React from 'react'

...emits this error:

ERROR: presentation.tsx[2, 1]: All imports of the same type must be sorted alphabetically. " hot " must come before "createTheme"

As the error indicates, the spaces are being included when linting the node. Removing them resolves the issue.

Please let me know if I can provide any more color, and thanks in advance for taking a look!