Example DB Migration

Example for DB Migration with flyway,H2 database and java.


  1. If you already use the 8089 or 9099 port, then edit Web Port and Tcp Port of resources/setting/setup.properties file for your local.(default:webPort=8089,tcpPort=9099)
  2. Run main method of DBMigratorApplication.class.
  3. Connect http://localhost:8089/ (If you changed web port, then input your port number instead of 8089)
  4. Push 接続 button. You can move to H2 console page.
  5. Below message printed in IDE console.
[[[[Current DB Version: 0.00]]]]
> Input Number 1 or 0.(1:Execute DB Migration/0:exit)
  1. Check 2 sql files in resources/db/migration folder.
  • V1_00__20170926.sql
    code VARCHAR(255)
  • V2_00__20170926.sql
    code2 VARCHAR(255)
  1. Input 1 at IDE console and enter. Then Below message printed.
There are executable DB Migrations: 2
Execution of 2 DB Migration success!
[[[[Current DB Version: 2.00]]]]
> Input Number 1 or 0.(1:Execute DB Migration/0:exit)
  1. Refresh H2 Console page. You can see the two tables was added.

  2. Input 1 at IDE console and enter again. Then Below message printed.

There are no executable DB Migraion.