
[Main Readme] Prediction task Training Argument Name should be changed

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Hi @bvanaken,

I was trying to reproduce things and during downstream training, the below code was giving an error

python \
 --task_config {PATH_TO_TASK_CONFIG.yaml} \   # required
 --model_name {PATH_TO_MODEL_OR_TRANSFORMERS_MODEL_HUB_NAME} \   # required
 --cache_dir {CACHE_DIR} \   # required

when I changed it to this

python \
 --task_config {PATH_TO_TASK_CONFIG.yaml} \   # required
 --model_name_or_path {PATH_TO_MODEL_OR_TRANSFORMERS_MODEL_HUB_NAME} \   # required
 --cache_dir {CACHE_DIR} \   # required

I mean model_name to model_name_or_path it worked!

Thanks @bhadreshpsavani! You are right, the parameter name was outdated. I fixed it in the README.