
Buyer MVP

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MVP Buyer

Hey eboy

B: how may I help you?
Hello my friend, do you want to buy something, or sell something?
Hey, do you want to sell or to buy something?
Hello, can I do something for you?
My friend, what's your intention?

intent: startConversation ?

i wanna buy a macbook
i am looking for a macbook
i would like to have a macbook
give me a macbook
search for a macbook

Intent : getItems
entity: macbook
entitytype: itemType

"query": "i search for a macbook",
"topScoringIntent": {
"intent": "getItem",
"score": 0.9947372
"entities": [
"entity": "macbook",
"type": "itemType",
"startIndex": 15,
"endIndex": 21,
"score": 0.981878

B: is there a specific size you're looking for?

yes 15 zoll

intent: setFilter ?
entity: 15 zoll
entitytype: filterType

also from 2013
intent: setFilter
entity: year

"query": "from 2013 with 15 zoll",
"topScoringIntent": {
"intent": "getFilter",
"score": 0.999920368,
"actions": [
"triggered": true,
"name": "getFilter",
"parameters": [
"name": "size",
"type": "sizeType",
"required": false,
"value": [
"entity": "15 zoll",
"type": "sizeType",
"resolution": {}
"name": "year",
"type": "yearType",
"required": false,
"value": [
"entity": "2013",
"type": "yearType",
"resolution": {}
"entities": [
"entity": "15 zoll",
"type": "sizeType",
"startIndex": 15,
"endIndex": 21,
"score": 0.9686247,
"resolution": {}
"entity": "2013",
"type": "yearType",
"startIndex": 5,
"endIndex": 8,
"score": 0.638510048,
"resolution": {}
"dialog": {
"contextId": "729ca262-bd05-4fef-adee-4869ff546e00",
"status": "Finished"

B: there're a lot of sells, do you mind telling me where you're from?

from berlin

intent: getLocation ?
entity: berlin
entitytype: locationType ? can have children of districts

"query": "i am from kreuzberg, berlin",
"topScoringIntent": {
"intent": "getLocation",
"score": 0.9966216
"entities": [
"entity": "kreuzberg",
"type": "locationType::districtOfBerlin",
"startIndex": 10,
"endIndex": 18,
"score": 0.9853883
"entity": "berlin",
"type": "locationType",
"startIndex": 21,
"endIndex": 26,
"score": 0.877867043
"entity": "berlin",
"type": "",
"startIndex": 21,
"endIndex": 26,
"score": 0.933954954

B: ok cool, do you have any budget limitations?

i can pay at least 400€

intent: getPriceRange
entity: at least 400€
entity type: money/price

i can pay around 500€,

intent: getPriceRange
entity: around 500€
entity type: .money / price

i can pay from 400€ up to 500€

intent: getPriceRange
entity: from 400€
entity: up to 500€
entity type: .money / price

so theres a difference for the range?

  • "at least 400€" -> would mean "starting at 400€"
  • "around 500" -> would mean (e.g.) 500€ +/- 50€
  • "from 400 up to 500" -> would mean 400€ bis 500€

-> also koennte man gucken ob es mehrere money entities gibt?
und wenn nicht, hat man eine default pricerange?

"query": "it should not cost more than 1500 euro",
"topScoringIntent": {
"intent": "getPriceRange",
"score": 1.0
"entities": [
"entity": "should not cost more than 1500 euro",
"type": "priceRangeType::EndingAt",
"startIndex": 3,
"endIndex": 37,
"score": 0.892028451

_oh and give me the latest sell

intent: setFilter
entity: filterType_

B: recommandation

(show me the next...)
are there any other suggestions?

intent : getNextItem ?
entity: next ...
entitytype: ItemType

"query": "show me the next",
"topScoringIntent": {
"intent": "getNextItem",
"score": 1.0
"entities": [
"entity": "the next",
"type": "itemType",
"startIndex": 8,
"endIndex": 15,
"score": 0.6857851

B: yes of course, what about this one -link-

there is nothing for me right now
there is anything
nothing for me
cant find anything good right now
can't find nothing

intent : triggerSubscribe ?
entity: anything, nothing
entitytype: ItemType

"query": "nothing for me",
"topScoringIntent": {
"intent": "triggerSubscribe",
"score": 0.999997139
"entities": [
"entity": "nothing",
"type": "triggerWords",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 6,
"score": 0.8030932

"query": "anything here",
"topScoringIntent": {
"intent": "triggerSubscribe",
"score": 0.8888102
"entities": [
"entity": "anything",
"type": "triggerWords",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 7,
"score": 0.723126054

yes and no

intent: yes / no

"query": "yeah nice",
"topScoringIntent": {
"intent": "yes",
"score": 0.8181022
"entities": []