
Component selector should be Flare compatible

bvaughn opened this issue · 9 comments

DevTools currently relies on preventDefault and stopPropagation to prevent the selector tool from actually clicking on a DOM element:

_onClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this._bridge.send('stopInspectingDOM', true);

Flare does not work with this, so you can't select a component without also potentially changing it in a significant way. We should find a way to fix this!

cc @trueadm

With Flare, we could provide a prop to that always does preventDefault and stopImmediatePropagation. Would that be a solution?

Seems like it could work, yeah. So long as we could identify when to use the Flare approach vs the normal/synthetic event approach.

Maybe I have got this wrong though. Is this using Flare from within dev tools, or when dev tools interacts with a page using Flare? If the later, then my point above won’t work.

Check out the code snippet I linked to in the bug description.

Essentially, DevTools needs a way to identify that the user has clicked on a DOM element without the event slipping through to the element itself.

We're already using capture:

window.addEventListener('click', this._onClick, true);
window.addEventListener('mousedown', this._onMouseDown, true);
window.addEventListener('mouseup', this._onMouseUp, true);
window.addEventListener('mouseover', this._onMouseOver, true);

@bvaughn Actually, I just checked. I believe you just need to use pointer events to block Flare; specifically doing stopPropagation() in pointerdown and pointerup as that's where Flare fires most press events. The ordering is not going to be a problem. Dev tools attaches events to the window, whilst Flare attaches them to the document. So any events from window will always fire first if they're captured.

If you try using stopImmediatePropagation() does that fix this issue?

Will check (when I get the chance) and report back.

I've updated my reply but that should work. :)

Update: added a PR - #283
