
React Devtools Extension tabs don't show up when Video Downloader Plus extension is enabled

mohsinulhaq opened this issue · 4 comments

React Devtools Experimental tabs don't show up when the above extension is enabled. Logging this as a heads up for potential clashes with other extensions as well.

Thanks for the heads up. That extension appears to be writing to __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ which definitely interferes with this extension. I'm not sure what I can do about that really, since that extension isn't controlled by anyone Facebook related.

Going to close this issue since I can't do much about it, but I appreciate you letting me know.

Just FYI, original devtools works fine with this extension enabled. I see this issue only when using the new one.

Original DevTools implementation is significantly different than the new one, in order to support e.g. reload-and-profile and sharing state (e.g. profiling info) across page navigations. Assuming what you say is true, even if I updated this extension to behave more like the old one, it would still be a race case essentially as to which extension got loaded first. (That extension might still clobber the DevTools extension if it was initialized afterward and override the global hook.)

Oh ok, seems reasonable. Thanks for the clarification!