
Suggestion: switch between "Rendered At" renders using keyboard arrow keys

justingrant opened this issue · 1 comments

My favorite devtools feature, "Why did this render?", has a remaining problem: it's too hard to flip through a long list of renders in the Rendered At list to find an interesting render. I know I can use the mouse (or Tab and then Space) to move to the next render, but that's painful if there are 50+ renders to work through.

Suggestion: when an item in the Rendered At list has focus, then up/down arrows should change the selected render (and scroll the pane up/down if the selected render isn't visible).

This would be helpful for accessibility too.

I'll file a separate issue for keyboard support for the flamegraph view. Keyboard access to that view will be much harder to implement so it makes sense to do it separately.

This repository is being merged into the main React repo ( As part of this, I am moving all issues to that repository as well and closing them here.

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