
React Native: Remember saved component filters between reloads

bvaughn opened this issue · 1 comments

DevTools v4 added a pretty powerful new component filtering feature that enables devs to filter out components by type, name, or file system location. Because these filters can be a bit elaborate to create, they are saved between sessions to improve dev experience.

Unfortunately, I don't think I am going to be able to support the persistence functionality for React Native. (In other words, filters will be forgotten each time you reload the app.)

The reason for this is a mix of timing and context. The biggest limiting factor is the lack of a synchronous storage option. React Native has a couple of faux sync storage options, but they just in-memory wrappers around an async storage layer and they require async initialization. That could work if the React Native backend waited to initialize DevTools until it also initialized the async storage layer, but this has implications on reload-and-profile support (#336).

This repository is being merged into the main React repo ( As part of this, I am moving all issues to that repository as well and closing them here.

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