
The Context hook is not shown unless another hook is also presen like useState or useEffect

vnvizitiu opened this issue · 7 comments

When I have a component that only uses a useContext, the hooks section is not show, but if I register a hook for state or effect, then I can inspect the context hook.

Using version a6aba5a but I noticed this for a while and I saw that there was no issue submitted at this (at least from a title point of view)

DevTools needs to re-render function components to display hooks values. In order to avoid triggering breakpoints, duplicate console logging, etc. unnecessarily- it only does this when it can tell the component uses hooks. Unfortunately useContext isn't detectable on its own, because it doesn't write anything to the internal state field. (It's just a small wrapper around the context API.)

So the options here are either:

  1. Do nothing, and functions that only use useContext will continue to be skipped.
  2. Always re-render every function component, even if it's unlikely to use hooks, in case it uses only useContext.

Neither option seems great or like the obvious right choice.

I'm fine with having it be skipped cause for debugging purposes I could run an empty effect or a bogus state.

Did not know what's involved in having that happen.

At least this is logged for future reference. The issue can be closed or kept some possible future innovation 😃

No worries. It's an interesting issue for sure.

@bvaughn useContext writes to the dependencies field so it’s detectable there.


DevTools currently "detects" the use of hooks by looking for a non-null memoizedState field. We could expand that check to also include non-null dependencies field as well. That didn't occur to me. I'm not as familiar with the new context API.

Nice suggestion 😄 Thanks

Fixed in f616613. Will be released later today in v4.0.3