
Brave browser crashes when using "Fingerprinting blocked strict"

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Dear Brion,

when using the Privacy focused browser Brave with "Fingerprinting blocked strict" like here:

The following error is thrown:

ogv.js:5111 Uncaught Error: GL shader compilation for 35633 failed: null
at compileShader (ogv.js:5111)
at initProgram (ogv.js:5190)
at init (ogv.js:5205)
at WebGLFrameSink.c.drawFrame (ogv.js:5225)
at HTMLUnknownElement._drawFrame (ogv.js:2464)
at ogv.js:2454
at ogv.js:3473
at OGVDecoderVideoProxy. (ogv.js:3554)
at OGVDecoderVideoProxy.handleMessage (ogv.js:3233)
at Worker. (ogv.js:3197)


Best regards

Sounds like a bug in Brave, send info to them.