
Cocoapods, use_frameworks! option, and non-public class

spifd opened this issue · 3 comments

spifd commented

When used as a Cocoapods dependency with use_frameworks! option, I encounter a compilation issue with SevenSwitch class not being found. It looks like SevenSwitch must be made a public class to be exposed... do you confirm?

👍 Seeing the same - With use_frameworks! I'm able to see the control in Interface Builder if I specify SevenSwitch as both the module and the class, but I can't seem to create an outlet in the viewcontroller.

Thanks for letting me know. The problem should be fixed now. You'll probably have to re-install the pods in your project since I kept the same version number. Use the following commands in your project directory and you should be good to go. rm -r Pods then pod install

Works great thanks for the quick fix!