
Possible error in trunk (c87d131)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I've just build c87d131 and am seeing the following error a few times:

[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?

I'm not sure, but it might happen when a small video clip is displayed. E.i. when having a festival or hitting a population milestone.

Let me know if I should make a debug build with a backtrace or similar if needed - and please add some instruction on how to do so ;)
Unfortunately, I'm not a C programmer.

Last game console output
INFO: Julius version 1.7.0-20240530-c87d131
INFO: Initializing SDL
INFO: SDL initialized
INFO: Loading game from working directory
INFO: Config key  gameplay_fix_immigration
INFO: Config key  gameplay_fix_100y_ghosts  1
INFO: Config key  screen_display_scale  130
INFO: Config key  screen_cursor_scale  100
INFO: Config key  ui_sidebar_info  1
INFO: Config key  ui_show_intro_video
INFO: Config key  ui_smooth_scrolling
INFO: Config key  ui_disable_mouse_edge_scrolling
INFO: Config key  ui_disable_map_drag
INFO: Config key  ui_visual_feedback_on_delete  1
INFO: Config key  ui_allow_cycling_temples  1
INFO: Config key  ui_show_water_structure_range  1
INFO: Config key  ui_show_construction_size  1
INFO: Config key  ui_highlight_legions
INFO: Config key  ui_show_military_sidebar
INFO: Config key  ui_show_speedrun_info
INFO: Config key  ui_language_dir
INFO: Config value  
INFO: No key found on layout for  [
INFO: No key found on layout for  ]
INFO: No key found on layout for  =
INFO: Detected language:  English
INFO: Detected encoding:  1252
INFO: Creating screen 1920 x 1080 on display 0, fullscreen, driver: x11
INFO: Creating renderer
INFO: Texture created: 1476 x 830
INFO: Model loaded
INFO: Loading audio files
INFO: Window 1 shown
INFO: Window 1 hidden
INFO: Window 1 shown
INFO: Window move to coordinates x: 0 y: 0
INFO: System resize to 1920 x 1080
INFO: Window resized to 1920 x 1080
INFO: System resize to 1920 x 1080
INFO: Loading saved game  Quaestor.sav
[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?
INFO: Loading saved game  Quaestor Final Battle.sav
INFO: Loading saved game  Procurator.sav
[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?
INFO: Loading saved game  Procurator Fred II.sav
[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?
[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?
[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?
INFO: Saving game  Procurator Fred II.sav
[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?
INFO: Saving game  Procurator Fred II.sav
[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?
[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?
INFO: Saving game  Procurator Fred III.sav
[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?
[src/libmpg123/id3.c:process_comment():587] error: No comment text / valid description?
INFO: Saving game  Procurator Fred III.sav
INFO: Exiting game

🤔 it's not related to video playback. I've tried only using the map editor and got the same error message again.


This isn't really an error, the issue is that the mp3 files we've provided don't have any metadata and the player warns about that.

It's harmless 🙂

@crudelios thanks for the info 💛