
Convert Concept2 CRASH-B heat sheet to .rac format required by Venue Racing App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Converts a Concept2 CRASH-B heat sheet and generates .rac files

We used this program with the spreadsheet generated from regatta central to build out all the .rac files needed for the PIRC on 2/9/2016.

The .rac files can be opened directly into the Concept2 Venue Race Application.

This program does not set up lane assignments. You need to set up all the heats and lanes in a spreadsheet. This program will then generate all the .rac files needed to run the race

You'll need a Unix box (Mac or Linux) running Node to use it. Ask your friendly neighborhood techie.

Install and Run

npm install
node csv2rac


  • Heat sheet is in CSV format
  • Required column names: Event, First_Name, Last_Name, Heat, Lane
  • Heat sheet named HeatSheet.csv
  • 10 ergs/lanes per heat numbered 1-10
  • The 500 meter event is named FamRow
  • The 1000 meter event names end in -1k
  • All other events are 2000m
  • Unused lanes will labeled LANE n
  • Results put in Races directory

.rac file format

DOS-style \r\n line terminators


LINE 1: 108
LINE 2: 0
LINE 3: <race name, eg. "Heat9_1-10">
LINE 4: <race distance or time in seconds, e.g. "2000", or "300">
LINE 5: 0 <0=distance, 1=time>
LINE 6: 0
LINE 7: 1 <1=save stroke data>
LINE 8: <split interval, e.g. "500">
LINE 9: <split time, e.g. "120">
LINE 10: <number of ergs, e.g. "10">

For each lane

LINE 0: <name>
LINE 1: 0
LINE 2: <blank>
LINE 3: <country, e.g. "USA">
LINE 4: <birth date "03041997">
