pycraf error in scipy1.10
Opened this issue · 2 comments
I've tried running examples at ( When I try with and without "pathprof.SrtmConf.set(interp='spline', spline_opts=(3, 0))", as below, I get the following error at "pathprof.height_map_data(...". I installed pycraf via pycharm packages in addition to dependencies.
result = evaluate_linear_2d(self.values,
File "_rgi_cython.pyx", line 19, in scipy.interpolate._rgi_cython.__pyx_fused_cpdef
TypeError: No matching signature found
The crash call chain is as follows.
Linear: \utils\", line 328 > pathprof\", line 738 > pathprof\", line 571>scipy\", line 336
Spline: utils\", line 328 > pathprof\", line 738 > pycraf\pathprof\", line 188 > scipy\", line 336
#Code snippet from that generates error
pathprof.SrtmConf.set(interp='spline', spline_opts=(3, 0)) #tried without this too
lon_tx, lat_tx = 6.88361 * u.deg, 50.52483 * u.deg
map_size_lon, map_size_lat = 0.5 * u.deg, 0.5 * u.deg
map_resolution = 10. * u.arcsec
freq = 1. * u.GHz
omega = 0. * u.percent # fraction of path over sea
temperature = 290. * u.K
pressure = 1013. * u.hPa
timepercent = 2 * u.percent # see P.452 for explanation
h_tg, h_rg = 50 * u.m, 10 * u.m
G_t, G_r = 0 * cnv.dBi, 0 * cnv.dBi
zone_t, zone_r = pathprof.CLUTTER.UNKNOWN, pathprof.CLUTTER.UNKNOWN
hprof_step = 100 * u.m
hprof_cache = pathprof.height_map_data(lon_tx, lat_tx, map_size_lon, map_size_lat, map_resolution=map_resolution, zone_t=zone_t,
zone_r=zone_r,) # dict-like
results = pathprof.atten_map_fast(freq, temperature, pressure, h_tg, h_rg, timepercent, hprof_cache,)
Thank you very much for reporting this issue @mghorba! I just checked, the latest released pycraf version (which is not that old!) was tested only against scipy 1.9.3. I'm afraid this error might be owing to a backwards incompatible change in scipy. I was going to make a minor new release soon. Until then, the only possible solution might be to downgrade your scipy to version 1.9. Sorry for the inconvenience.