
code challenge

Primary LanguageRuby

Ibotta Developer Project

Ruby on Rails Setup

This application uses:

  • Ruby (1.9.3 or above)
  • Rails (3.2.16)

Learn more about Installing Rails.

Here's a quick install procedure for OSX Mavericks:

  1. Ensure XCode and Command Line Tools are installed

  2. Install brew

  3. Install the following brew packages

    brew install git node pcre rbenv ruby-build
  4. Ensure your rbenv profile is setup per the instructions printed during brew install, and possibly restart your terminal

  5. Set up ruby

    rbenv install 1.9.3-p484
    rbenv rehash
    rbenv global 1.9.3-p484
    rbenv rehash
    gem install bundler
  6. cd to the project root directory (where Gemfile is) and initialize the application

    bundle install
    rake db:migrate
    rake db:test:prepare
    rake db:seed

Common rails commands:

  • guard automatically runs the rails server as well as runs tests when files change
  • rake db:seed will always reload the given test data
  • rails console an interactive ruby console including the rails environment
  • rails db an interactive database console

Database Setup

This application uses SQLite with ActiveRecord.

The tables given to you are stored in the .seed.csv files, and are loaded to your local sqlite database by the command rake db:seed

The database consists of sample data for 2 tables - offers and tasks. These are sample offers from Ibotta along with the associated tasks (Facts, Videos, Polls, etc.). The associated Rails models are included in the RoR project.

The Project

Your goal is to send the offer/task data from the database to the browser as JSON and then display the offers in the browser as a single page ajax application.


  • Image URLs for each offer are in the the database.
  • Task images can be be found in a sprite located in the app/assets/images directory.
  • The tasks do not need to be functional but should be shown along with each offer. You can ignore the content field for each task.

Gems/Frameworks Already Included

  • Template Engine: Haml or ERB
  • Testing Framework: RSpec and Factory Girl
  • Front-end Framework: Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 (Sass, Javascript)
  • Continuous Testing: Guard