AHF is a code for finding gravitationally bound objects in cosmological simulations.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

                A        H      H   FFFFFFF
              A A       H      H   F 
            A   A      H      H   F
        A       A    H      H   F
      A         A   H      H   F
    A           A  H      H   F 

Adaptive Mesh Investigations of Galaxy Assembly

The code manual and papers can be found on http://popia.ft.uam.es/AHF/download.html

 developed by
Andrew Green       (1993-2001)
James Binney       (1993-2001)
Stuart Gill        (2001-2005)
Steffen Knollmann  (2006-2012)
Doug Rennehan      (2018, GIZMO libio)
Isaac Alonso       (2022, Pkdgrav libio)
Andrea Negri       (2023, git repo)
Alexander Knebe    (continuously)

analysis/		tools that may serve the purpose of extracting scientific data from AHF catalogues
convert/		conversion between various data formats
src/			the AHF source directory
tools/			some things that you may consider useful...

 detailed content

IDL/                    just some sample code how to possibly work with the AHF_halos files

MergerTree.c            constructs merger trees using AHF_particles files
ahfFindCrossPairs.c     cross correlates two different AHF_halos catalogues
ahfFindHalo.c           seraches for a specific halo in AHF_halos
ahfFindHaloPairs.c      cross correlates a AHF_halos catalogue with itself, i.e. searches for dublicates
ahfHaloHistory.c        based upon the output of MergerTree.c tracks one specific halo through all AHF_halos catalogues
ahfSubCheck.f           searches for all subhaloes of a given halo in one AHF_halos file
ahfXi.f                 calculates the 2-point correlation function given a AHF_halos catalogue
simuPdens.c             calculates the density at each particle position
simuPk.c                calculates P(k) for a given simulation file
simuSigmaR.c            calcluates sigma(r) for a simulation file
simuVstat.c             some velocity statistics for simulation file
simuXi.f                calculates the 2-point correlation function given a simulation file

NOTE: all the simuXYZ codes are making use of libio_serial.a and hence have to compiled like that!

Hdf2GADGET/       converter from GADGET-HDF5 to GADGET-2 format (courtesy Ofer Metuki)
tostd/          	converter from PKDGRAV-HDF5 to TIPSY format (courtesy Doug Potter)
ramses2gadget.f 	converter from RAMSES to GADGET-2 format (incl. generation of gas particles!) courtesy Timur Doumler
ahf2binary.c    	converts either AHF_halos or AHF_particles ASCII file into a binary format file
halos2geom.c    	converts AHF_halos file into something to be used with stereo2 (http://paulbourke.net/miscellaneous/stereographics/stereo2/)

the beautiful and marvelous AHF source code...

HaloPotential.c         based upon particle positions this tool calculates the potential for a given halo
HaloShape.c             based upon particle positions this tool calculates the shape of a given halo
RemoveUnbound.c         based upon particle positions and velocities unbound particles are removed from a given halo
age.c                   given the cosmology and redshift the age of the Universe is calculated
ahfCalcMinStar.c        given an AHF analysis and a GADGET simulation it calculates the stellar mass for a provided list of halos
ahfExtractHalosPdens.c  extracts halo particles from a simuPdens.c output file
ahfExtractMhalo.c       calculates M_dm, M_gas, and M_star for each halo using a given AHF_particles file
ahfSortHalos.c          sorts a given AHF_halos catalogue by some user specified column (using command line 'sort' may be faster!)
cosmology.c             for a given cosmology it dumps a file Cosmology.DAT containing all you ever wanted to know as a function of t, a, and z
pmass.c                 tool to calculate the mass of a single particle in a certain simulation
simuExtractHalos.c      extract the particles of a given halo from the simulation snapshot
virial.c                calculates the virial overdensity threshold based upon spherical top-hat collapse model