
Poor covergence with clustered large singular values.

bwlewis opened this issue · 1 comments

Giuseppe Rodriguez pointed out a pathology when the singular values cluster near the largest value. In this case it's hard to pick out a truncated space containing the largest few singular values because they are all very similar. This is the mirror image of the problem detecting the smallest singular values for discrete ill-posed problems.

We implemented an additional convergence tolerance requiring the estimated singular values to converge (along with the estimated spaces) to help improve this a bit. The convergence criteria are now:

  1. (tol) subspace convergence when ||A^T U - VS|| < tol*||A||, where the spectral norm ||A|| is approximated by the largest estimated singular value, and U, V, S are the matrices corresponding to the estimated left and right singular vectors, and diagonal matrix of estimated singular values, respectively.
  2. (svtol) singular value convergence when the maximum absolute relative change in each singular value from one iteration to the next is at most svtol.

See for a good example of this problem.

The new convergence criterion comes at increased cost, two or more Lanczos iterations are always required.

The improvement outlined above is only a partial fix. A better solution will use block methods, which we plan on adding soon.

See also issue #16 (same issue).