
H7172 Smart Ice Maker Support

qoodanny opened this issue · 4 comments

  • Which model is this? Need the Hxxxx number.


  • Which type of device is this? Light, heater, leak sensor, etc.

Ice Maker

  • Which connection methods does this device have? Wifi? Bluetooth? LAN mode? All?

Wifi Bluetooth

  • Anything else?

Add On/ off, small/medium/large ice switches
Add ice full or no water sensor with notification

I would like this support too please!

It's strange as the plugin says 'ice maker' to allow you to put in the credentials for..but it appears to not be supported.

I would like this as well!

I recently purchased it and I'm parsing the opcodes to get it working for me. I use HomeBridge to bring in converted devices into HA, and it's something I want as well. I'll probably be putting up a PR for it soon.

So far I have ice basket full sensor working, and the configuration options, just need to wait for it to empty.